7AM: A new duty nurse brakes me for breakfast and more pain medication-yay! She then removes my bandage.My right eye is swollen shut and is still extremely painful. The nurse gently cleans my eye with warm water and cut pads, instructing me how to do it once I'm at home. After that, a male nurse comes in with my discharge papers and medication instructions. He reminds me not to do anything strenuous, no bending, no heavy lifting etc. He administers Chloramphenicol antibiotic eye drops and informs me right before I leave he will drop in my steroid drops. 8AM: Mr Neil arrives. Apparently, he's been trying to get into the hospital since 6:30 AM-LOL. Bless him. 9:00AM: Back downstairs in the Sedgwick Ward reception area, the male nurse gives me my medication instructions and explains it to me as well. Then, he drops in my first steroid eye drops (Dexamethisone) and places a clear eye shield over my eye. Even the glare into my left eye hurts my right eye, so my huge, dark sunglasses are extremely helpful. On the way downstairs I start to feel very dizzy and have to sit in the Costa until I feel better. Thankfully, the walk over to the hotel and the two hour drive home are uneventful. 1:30PM Arrive home just in time for lunch and Mr. Neil instructs everyone about my medication schedule. I try to listen to see if he's telling them right, but can't focus because I'm so tired. I know he's telling my sister and mother to wake me every two hours...I don't remember the nurse saying that, but can't be bothered to discuss further. I go upstairs and collapse into a deep sleep. EVERY TWO HOURS...ALL NIGHT LONG: My sister and mother take turns waking me to do my eye drops. I'm exhausted and confused because I don't remember the nurse saying we had to do the drops all through the night. |