"Lady Radia Abdul-Hakim, I want to send you a huge thank from the Staff, Students and Principal of CHHS. Our students are still talking about your performance from last Friday at our Heritage Day! Thank you so much for keeping your commitment to Caymanian storytelling. We will be looking for you next year." - Anola Smith, CHHS
"What a joy to read the adventures of Kaa Kaa and Tokyo in Babysittin' 'Lil Kelly. For parents and educators alike it is a good way to start a conversation and share some personal and funny stories of their childhood.The illustrations are classic and dramatic and help to bring the story to life. Thank you Lady Rabia for sharing your gifts and talents with us! Your story helps us to make important connections to the past and I look forward to reading and all the stories in the series." -Laurel Fraser, Former Chair, Early Years Task Force
Author/Illustrator visits by Lady Rabia
A school visit by a children’s book author is an exciting way to promote literacy. Lady Rabia loves to visit schools and share with students the joys of writing and reading.
Presentations for my author school visits are customized for elementary schools, middle school or school assemblies.
Author Visit & Speaking Fees
£100.00 for each presentation, day or evening, up to one hour per presentation. Book signing may extend beyond that hour at no additional charge.
£450 for half-day (2 presentations, up to an hour each--scheduled no more than one hour apart, please! See below for special information about distance.)
Tips for a successful author visit
Author visits are a terrific way to energize your school's reading and writing programs, from staff to students to parents. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of this year's author visit:
Get EVERYONE involved! We encourage teachers to use the downloadable teacher guides and other materials on my Teacher's Resources page, HERE in advance of the visit, so students will be familiar with the author's books (and excited about them!) before the event.
Involve the WHOLE staff. Author events are more effective when the principal takes the time to stop in and meet the author -- even if only momentarily. It demonstrates that the principal is on board, which encourages everyone else.
Show the book trailer. Get kids vamped up about the book.
Get PARENTS involved!!
If the event will involve an evening parent program, it's even more important to promote the visit to parents.
• Be sure to put an article about the event in the school newsletter. • Promote the event on your school's website. •As the day draws near, announce the upcoming visit on the school's outdoor road sign. •If you have the resources, send home a flier about the event with the students.
I know it's hard to get the attention of local media these days, but do send a press release about the event to your local newspaper and TV stations. You never know when they'll decide to send out a reporter who will do an enthusiastic story featuring your wonderful school!